09 November 2012


There’s a duo of elderly homeless men (formerly a trio, which has me wondering the whereabouts of the third member) that parades through subway cars singing old-timey songs. They've been doing this for years, marching between passengers, stomping their feet, jingling their change cups, and waving their canes (if this sounds depressing, imagine watching it in person). They always end with the phrase, “Smile, it won’t hurt your face!”

I’ve had this sentiment pointed at me several times in my life, usually by complete strangers. I’ve always wondered the psychology behind people who momentarily invade the lives of others to tell them to “smile.”  Why? What does it matter to them how my face looks? Have I somehow affected their day if I crack a (disingenuous) smile at their request?

Who are these “Smile Nazis” demanding others unfamiliar to them to show their teeth? I imagine them to be sunny, glass-half-full-types. (Maybe not the subway singers. Obviously their glasses are half-empty or else they wouldn’t be performing for spare change).

So maybe they’re lonely souls reaching out for any form of human interaction. If this is true, I strongly advise them to alter their approach. Brooding, stone-faced strangers are not the people to start a conversation with. Especially not me. 


Well, smiling may not actually hurt my face...it just might cause me to hurt yours. 


07 November 2012

She's Baaa-aaack!

After a long break from Hijack the Jukebox, I'm resurrecting the blog. I have lots of stories needing to be told and opinions to share. I will post more frequently on a variety of topics and look forward to reading comments!

Also, don't forget to check out my other blog, Shut Up & Dance, which features photos of the worst dance costumes ever. I'm looking for more submissions, so please view the blog for contact information. Show the world your horrendous costume!

                                                                            - That Girl